Meet Brent Davila, the newest member to join our team at the AHA. Brent Davila grew up as a camper going to Camp HONOR, and was later a counselor for several years. Brent feels lucky enough to be working to help provide other members of our community with the same wonderful opportunities that he has had. At the AHA, Brent will be focusing his energy on our outreach and advocacy programs. Brent’s goal is to facilitate opportunities that would allow members of the bleeding disorder community to advocate for themselves. Few can understand and explain the challenges that those with bleeding disorders and their families face better than the very people living with these challenges every day. This is why Brent believes the Speaker’s Bureau is such a valuable tool. It gives individuals from our community with a vested interest in the well-being of families with bleeding disorders, a chance to let their voice be heard, and a chance to have a say in the matters that are important to us all. Moving into the future, Brent believes it would benefit the community at large to have an actively involved group of individuals that are comfortable with advocating on their own behalf, and on behalf of people with bleeding disorders everywhere. Brent hopes to help make this a reality. Brent believes that our community has shown that we can accomplish incredible things when we all work together.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the Speakers Bureau, please contact Brent at the Arizona Hemophilia Association at 602-955-3947
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